Idlib, Dec 2014- Wadi Al’Deif battle
Relevant force positions within Idlib province during the Wadi Al’Deif Battle:
With the end of the battle of Wadi Deif, the armed opposition controls the strategic Wadi Deif and AL-Hamdyeh military bases. The armed opposition, specifically the Islamic Front, controls most of the province. Jabhat al-Nusra (JAN) also controls a significant amount of the province, but is concentrated mostly around Jabal al-Zawyeh west of the province, as well as the province borders with Turkey.
Other smaller opposition groups have a limited presence in the province. Haraket Hazem forces are positioned near the small towns surrounding Ma’rrat Misrin, along with Islamic Front and JAN. Soqour Al-Sham is positioned in the eastern side of Jabal AL-Zawyeh, while FSA forces are controlling small villages in the Jisr ash-Shugur countryside. Jund Al-Aqsa forces are located in and around the city of Saraqib.
At the same time, the Syrian Arab Republican Government (SARG) forces, which took a heavy hit it the battle, controls the M4 highway. This allows them to keep a supply route between the Idlib and Jisr Al-SHoughour cities. These two cities are the two major cities in the province under control of SARG. SARG also controls some villages, towns, and small military bases on the road between Idlib and Jisr Al-SHoughour that allow them to keep control of the road and transport heavy artillery and machinery between to the two cities and Lattakia province.