Current control of Syria: September 25th, 2018
This is our latest updated version of what control over Syria looks like currently. Based on sourcing from our field teams and open source material about current ISIS attacks, PDC has extrapolated the rough areas of control or presence of ISIS, in Syria, but their...
Potential United NATO zone
This map is a updated version of our previous map which discusses what a potential "NATO" zone in Syria would look like, if both Turkey, the SDF and the US Government were to find a way to agree on a common framework for cooperation and...
Iranian, Iranian Proxies and Russian Forces Presence on the Ground 2017-Present
This map is a rough approximation of Iranian forces, specifically, reported IRGC positions and Iranian-backed proxies that include a number of groups, including but not limited to: Lebanese Hezbollah, Iraqi Asaib Ahl Al-Haq, Najuba and Abu Al-Fadhal Al-Abbas units, and Afghani-Pakistani Fatimiyoun and Zaynabiyoon units....
PDC Pro-Iranian Militia Mapping Project
This map was created by PDC Inc. team to convey the presence of pro-Iranian militias in Deir Azzour province, Syria. The following is a list of active know militias on the ground that PDC can verify: Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) / Syrian Arab Republican Government Forces / General...
Deir Azzour Tribal Mapping Project
PDC's Bassam Barabandi and Nidal Betare collaborated with Nick Heras from CNAS to map the tribes of Deir Azzour. [googlepdf url="" download="Download" width="100%" height="600"]...